
Membervault Review

Membervault Review

September 29, 202314 min read

Membervault Review

Blogger: Admin

If you want to build and offer courses, or if you want to start a membership site, these are the tools you'll need. To host your material, you'll need a platform (Membervault Review). You can do this on your own website, but having a standalone custom-created platform with features tailored to courses and memberships is easier.

What is MemberVault?

MemberVault is a platform for hosting courses, freebies, and material for membership sites.

MemberVault provides you with valuable information about how your audience interacts with your material. They've built a "binge & buy marketplace" in the hopes of increasing revenues from current subscribers.

This method of selling may be right for you if you don't like introducing specific products or programs at specific periods. Of course, traditional launches can be combined with MemberVault, but it opens up a new revenue stream.

By displaying all of your products in this marketplace, your audience will be exposed to all of your options and will be able to purchase products when the moment is appropriate. They are frequently enticed by a thing they have seen in the marketplace.

MemberVault's magic is in the insights it provides and the tools it provides to help you better serve your audience and make more money. Because MemberVault reports how many times customers have looked at the same product, you can know who your warm and hot leads are.

MemberVault Features

Fast set-up

It is easy to add courses and freebies to MemberVault and audiences are interacting with products even though you're still adding other products.

Text lessons, graphics, modules, lessons, pdfs, and quizzes can all be included. You can also include homework, questions, and movies in a separate section (hosted on Vimeo or YouTube).

Ease of use

MemberVault is simple to use, even if you are not tech savvy. They provide excellent support and a wealth of information to assist you in creating your own marketplace.

Completely customizable

MemberVault has a lot of customizability options. The colors of the buttons, the text, and the backdrop may all be changed to match your company's branding. This makes your audience's shift from one site to the next go more smoothly.

You can customize your site's title, logo, footer links, and brand colors.

You can add a GIF, picture, or video to the 'Welcome Area,' as well as some text, to greet your visitors. You can also include two call-to-action buttons on the page.

You can change the layout to display your products in two or three columns. If you have a lot of products, you may choose three columns so that your visitors don't have to scroll long to reach to the bottom of the page.

A separate notification bar allows you to add a customized call to action. These are ideal for limited-time discounts or special deals.


Gamification is becoming a more common method of engaging your audience with your content. People cannot expect to see results if they do not complete the program. Gamification motivates people to complete courses that they have signed up for or paid for.

Quizzes may be added fast and easily, and you can construct long text or multiple-choice questions. These are excellent for motivating readers to interact with your material and progress through it.

MemberVault allows your audience to earn engagement points (EP), which they can earn by completing tasks. You can include extra extras that your audience can access when they've purchased a particular number of EPs.

People can earn EPs one at a time by performing specific behaviors. 1 EP is awarded to the following individuals:

Taking in a lesson (can be done once a day)

Putting a checkmark next to a lesson to indicate that it is finished

Completing all of a module's lessons

Getting through all of the lessons in a piece of content

A 'Top 10 Leaderboard' displays the members' positions in each marketplace, ranked by EP.

Regular, Progressive, Dripped & Bonus

You can make a product active (visible in your marketplace) or inactive when you create it (not visible). If you have a course or piece of content that is for your membership site but not yet for general sale, 'Not visible' is a good option.

You may also choose between Regular (no time or order constraints), Progressive (lessons and modules must be completed in the order listed), Date Dripped (modules released on particular days), Timed Drip (modules delivered X days after signup), and Bonus (unlocks automatically based on the users total EP).

Fantastic community and support

MemberVault is all about assisting its customers. You'll never have to wait long for an answer to a query, whether it's through their incredibly helpful emails, the Collaborative Facebook group, or their actual product support.

The creators of MemberVault are highly visible in the business and are even supporting people on the Facebook group.

Advanced Tools

You can utilize webhooks, actions, and automations to connect your MemberVault to your email provider.

If you're a coder, you can use custom CSS to add a lot more functionality.

Login with a "one-click link"

When people click this one-click link, it immediately logs them in.

Include this link in your welcome email, for example. It automatically logs people into the platform when they click it. They'll be able to skip a step.

Make a library of freebies

Creating a freebie library or subscription hub is a terrific approach to attract new customers to your marketplace. A convenient location for all of your freebies. People will look into your premium options after they've tried your free material.

Host a challenge

Hosting challenges is a breeze with MemberVault, especially since you can deliver content to your audience on a schedule.

MemberVault Pricing

The majority of online learning sites provide free accounts until you start generating money from

your courses. So, while you can run free courses without paying for your account, you can't conduct paid courses. This can be difficult. You may only sell a few courses, products, or memberships when you first start selling them, but the platform will charge you a large fee. When you're just starting off, this isn't ideal.

This is where MemberVault separates itself from the competition. For the first 100 customers, they provide free accounts that include all of the services. This is a fantastic approach to structure their pricing, and it is VERY customer-centric. It allows folks to get started without taking any risks.

They currently have three pricing options:

Free: $0 - for up to 100 users

Starter: $19/month - for up to 1000 users

Base: $49/month - for up to 10 000 users

All features includes:

The following features are available to all MemberVault accounts, including the Free Plan:

There is no restriction to the number of files you can upload, however there is a 2GB file size limit.

Stripe and/or PayPal payment integration

On the sale of your products, there are no transaction fees.

Your Paid Products Can Be Paid in a Variety of Ways

Ability to Offer Paid Product Coupon Codes and Free Trials

Ability to Accept Payments in a Variety of Currencies

Email Integration with a Variety of Powerful Email Services

When a person subscribes/purchases, they get immediate access to products.

Tracking Progress & Engagement

Time, date, and progressive drip products

Multiple-choice and essay questions for quizzes

Tracking affiliates

CSS Personalization

Pixel-by-pixel tracking

Account owners who upgrade from a free plan to a paid plan will also enjoy the following benefits:

The ability to host an infinite number of products (free accounts can host up to 3 available products)

The ability to use their own domain for their MV Site

The ability to brand their site by deleting the 'Powered by MemberVault' footer link

Chat help is available.

How To Get Started with MemberVault:

Step 1: Make Your Account

Remember, it's a journey, and simply adding your brand colors, logo, and product photographs that match your brand will make your account appear like YOU.

Step 2: Connect Your Email Tool

This is simple and straightforward, but it's also necessary so that MV can "speak" to your email tool and notify them when someone joins up for a freebie, purchases a product, or engages with your material in some way.

Simply log into your email tool, copy your API information, and then log into your MV (pro tip: open it in a separate browser window) and go to Settings > Email Integration > Paste the API information > Save.

Step 3: Add your existing product(s), or use one of MV’s templates to create a new one.

MemberVault is extremely adaptable and can handle a wide range of offerings, including free challenges and summits, as well as wow-worthy onboarding for your 1:1 and prevalidation for paid offers you're considering.

If you currently sell a premium offer (e.g., your 1:1, a course, a membership, etc.) and wish to move it to MemberVault, you should do so first.

If you're currently concentrating on developing your list and/or planning to launch a premium offer in the next 30-60 days using a challenge/summit/workshop/etc, it's best to put that freebie first.

Finally, the "Start a Conversation" template is advised if you want to give MV a try without committing to putting any of your existing offerings in. It's a great approach to survey your email list while also getting a feel for MV.

Step 4: How to tell your subscribers about your new MV account.

MV can be shared with your email list in a variety of ways:

Use the "Start a Conversation" template to engage your email list if you aren't sure about MV yet and don't want to commit to retaining it.

If you're certain you want to use MV and are starting with a premium product you're already selling, grant your current customers access to the product and send an email to your list about it.

If you're certain you want to use MV and you're starting with a free product, offer ALL of your email subscribers access and notify them via email.

Step 5: Include your account in active conversations.

This is a major one since it's where the binge-and-buy strategy shines the brightest.

People must not only be able to view what you have to offer (through the browse & purchase marketplace, which includes all of your products that are set to be active rather than dormant or invisible inside your account), but they must also be able to interact with it (via gamification and using quiz questions to really know what your people want).

Your goal is to (a) keep top-of-mind with them via emails and/or social media, and (b) make it simple for them to engage with your marketplace again.

Here are six easy ways to do the above:

If you have a Wordpress site, you can generate an easy-to-remember URL for your primary marketplace link using the free Pretty Link plugin. Include that in the footer of your work email as well as any email campaigns you send to your list. Also, share it on social media.

You may always use a link shortener like if you don't have a website or don't use Wordpress. Then, in the same areas, share it.

To make it easy for people to participate, include links to specific goods, modules, or classes in your emails. Use the one-click link for those on your list who already have access to that product; it will take them straight there without requiring them to log in.

When sharing publicly, link to teaser modules (an optional sort of module that doesn't require an account to view the content), the teaser content, or the full marketplace link.

Gamify your content by granting access to product Y to everyone who completes product X (here's how to do it quickly).

Repurpose live video to make it more consumable (for example, a few Facebook Lives you conducted around a specific outcome or objective) and store it in MV as an invisible product that you may distribute for a limited time. They won't have to log'll take them right there.

How to Create a Product in MemberVault:

The following are the steps to creating a paid product in MemberVault:

Select 'Add Product' from the Product section of your MV Dashboard.

Set the state of the product (active, inactive, or invisible)

Choose a product's type (regular, date dripped, time dripped, or progressive)

Include the product's name.

To save the product, click 'Add Product,' which will send you to the product's edit page.

Add a picture of the product (recommended)

Fill out the product description box.

Fill in the welcome message box.

Set the sign-up option for the product to 'Payment.'

Choose a payment method for your product.

For each payment option, add and generate any coupons you'd like to give.

Choose where you want the product's form to go (below the teaser message or at the top of the page)

In the Button Text area, write copy for the 'buy now' button.

Fill out the Teaser Message for your membership - this is your'sales text,' outlining the advantages of signing up for or purchasing your product.

Update the Terms Checkbox Area to include a link to your policy documents or any acknowledgments that the user must complete before purchasing.

If applicable, complete the offered parameters to map new users to the appropriate list/form in your email account.

If relevant, include any tracking pixels.

If you'd like to change the default messaging on your product's Thank You Page, you can do so.

To create your first module, go to the top of the page and select 'Add Module' from the

Modules area.

Choose a module type.

Include the module's title.

To save the module, click 'Add Module.' This will lead you to the module's edit page.

A module image should be uploaded (optional)

Fill up the field for a brief description.

Fill in the blanks in the description field (Note: if you leave the module description field blank, this will prompt the system to lead a user directly into the first lesson of your module rather than displaying the module page)

Return to the top of the page and click 'Add Lesson' to create your first lesson.

Include the title of the lesson.

To save the lesson, click 'Add Lesson'; this will send you to the lesson's edit page.

If applicable, include information about your video.

Fill in the Lesson Text box.

If applicable, fill out the Lesson Activity/Homework section.

Any resource files should be uploaded to the Lesson Files area.

Fill in the Quiz Question section with any required questions.

For any remaining lessons in this initial module, repeat the lesson process.

To add your next module and lessons, go back to the product editing page.

Repeat steps 18-32 until you've finished creating all of your product's content.

After you've finished building your product, make sure to set up any Actions you'll need to support it and its users.

Make sure your product is ready to be shared by testing it.

When you're finished, show your audience your product.

MemberVault Sample:

Upsells & Downsells in MemberVault:

While most people are used to a standard 'funnel procedure,' which includes a separate sales route with order bumps, upsells/downsells, and so on, MemberVault takes a different approach.

By bringing visitors to your MV Site, they will be able to see all of your available products and will be able to opt-in to and purchase the product(s) that are of the most interest/benefit to them at that particular time.

However, if your business prefers to use a typical funnel approach, you can use an external system to deliver the product purchasing experience/process while using MV to host the actual content. After a customer makes a purchase, you can add them to MV using your email service or Zapier.

MemberVault Pros and Cons:


Conversational marketing is at the heart of this innovative membership platform.

Maintains a personal touch to your company even as it grows.

You can centralize all of your offers, from free challenges to paid 1:1 services.

Allows you to have a positive buying experience from the start, encouraging you to make purchases.

Can assist you in identifying "hot leads" and pitching them appropriately.

The only membership platform with gamification as its foundation.

Excellent value for money, with a FREE plan that contains all features.

Allows you to track, tag, and learn a lot about your viewers.

Can be used to run your internet business as an almost all-in-one solution.

Fantastic customer service, community, and weekly Q&A calls that are really beneficial


In comparison to some competitors, the UX design is a little obsolete.

Despite the fact that the FREE tier offers all features, it is limited to 100 users.

Every element that is offered can be a little difficult to grasp and use.

At the time, deep integrations are limited (although the core ones are there)

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